1. With engine off, remove the drive belt (see Drive
Belt in this section).
2. With the driven pulley sheaves open far enough to
install the Parallelism Bar into the driven pulley so
the parallelism bar lies vertical between the driven
pulley sheaves on the driven cam.
3. Using a digital caliper, measure from the top back
(12 o’clock) of the drive clutch to the alignment bar.
4. Zero the digital caliper; then do the same procedure
(step 3) for the bottom side (6 o’clock) of the drive
5. If drive clutch alignment is out of specification,
loosen the cap screw securing the engine bracket to
the front right engine mount enough to install an
appropriate number of engine shims to equal ±1.270
mm (± 0.050 in.).
6. Once the drive clutch offset is corrected. Tighten cap
screw to 25 ft-lb from step 5.
7. Install drive belt (see Drive Belt in this section).
Drive belt length, condition, and deflection are all important
for peak performance. To check and adjust drive belt
deflection, use the following procedure.
NOTE: Make sure the drive belt is sitting at the top
of the driven pulley sheaves.
1. Place a straightedge on top of the drive belt. The
straightedge should reach from the drive clutch to the
top of the driven pulley.
2. Using a stiff ruler centered between the drive clutch
and driven pulley, push down on the drive belt just
enough to remove all slack. Note the amount of
deflection on the ruler at the bottom of the straightedge.
NOTE: Push down on the belt with the ruler only
until the bottom of the belt flexes upward; then read
the amount of deflection.
3. To correct drive belt deflection, remove the sheave
adjuster from the pulley, remove or add shim washers
to the adjuster, and install the adjuster.
NOTE: Adding shim washers will decrease belt
deflection; removing shim washers will increase belt