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customer service wont talk about snowmobiles

So i have had some issues wil my 09 D8. Needless to say dealer thinks should be covered. Im about 13,000 dollars into a sled that ran for about 1200 mi. and only one season. Bought new in fall 2009. and died about christmas this year, and then again 150 mi. later. Paid for first fix but refuse to pay for this one. Any way enough about the hunk of junk.

Dealer has been trying to work with me although it has taken over a month each time in the shop to even get answers. They think it should be covered by polaris and have been talking with them.

Polaris says no. Dealer Tells me to call polaris and gives me a number. Polaris gives recording and hangs up. Call number on recording.
Talked to lady named Becky, She says, "There is nobody in customer service i can talk to about my snowmobile. We are a dealer based company..."

So dealer sends me to polaris, and polaris sends me back to dealer. Also Becky Claims that there are no notes in the system about my sled. Even though its been in shop since mid Jan.

I think this is almost laughable, and the lawyers think so as well. Here is the address to send any court paper work to:

Polaris Industry
2100 hwy 55
Medina, MN 55340

If nothing else they might have to start talking to us if we send them enough paper.

Any help is always appreciated.
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CO 2.0

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Fort Collins, CO
I actually talked to Polaris customer service in Jan 2010 when mine was down for the 4th time. The guy on the other end of the line at Polaris was worthless and just sounded like an answering machine. Probably why they won't even talk to you now. Sorry you had to go through this. This is why I didn't buy a Pro. Polaris doesn't care if you are a loyal customer or not.

A company that can deny a warranty for a blown motor because the hood foam was removed and replaced with heat tape is a company I will not buy from. Polaris uses every excuse in the book to deny a warranty anymore.
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Next step for me.

because i am trying very hard to give them a chance to make it right without going the legal route. Im sending a long e-mail with about 4 pages of notes from different phone conversations over the past several months to anyones information i can find. (some howup until this point i have restrained myself and have yet to yell at anyone one the phone.)

Looking for previous lemon cases, stock portfolio's, etc... If you are a polaris employee dont be suprised to see a letter or e-mail show up soon. All seems unnessary in my opinion, and really wish someone would talk.

If your in colorado and in the same boat we are better off filing lemon cases at the same time. At this point the dealer is still standing behind me.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Post Falls, ID
Save yourself some time and go straight to a lawyer. Emails will leave a nice paper trail but other than that they'll be useless.

winter brew

Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
Is the sled still in the warranty period (or was when you dropped it off)?
What is the reason given for denial of warranty? They must provide a reason.
Is the dealer telling you the whole story? Can they provide you with warranty claim number?


Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
Is the sled still in the warranty period (or was when you dropped it off)?
What is the reason given for denial of warranty?

This is my question as well. OP stated sled was purchased this last fall of 2010? Was sled purchased new as a left over? How much warranty (if any) did the sled come with?
purchased new

bought new from dealer believe it was used as showroom model. Came with 1 yr. 1000 mi. and was never offered any additional warrenty.
service at shop at aprox. 150, 400, 675, and again at about 800 mi.
Top end went at 1045, and again 1.5 tanks later around 1200 mi. Shop rebuilt top end, 1st time and i refuse to open my wallet again so this is where we are at.

Multiple phone calls and emails back and forth. first time i talked to shop was 1/22/11, went in 2/5/11, got it back 2/25/11 3rd ride on 3/19/11 only made it from trail head to lake irwin aprox. 7 mi., did 3 or 4 small hill climbs on the way out. so basically it only ran 1 season because as soon as it started snowing this year i was without a sled.

Complete BS, in my opinion. Meeting with the lawer face to face next week, so polaris has until then, to at least start talking.
The e-mails and certified letters to polaris are the recomendations from lawyer, he says the longer the paper trail the stronger the case.
Thanks guys for the questions and info., ill keep posting over then next few days as i continue to crack the whip.:whip:
At least by the time in done i wont be the only one with a headache.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Rapid City
The dealers have their hands tied. End of story. Most of them know this is BS and want to do the right thing. However, Polaris is flat out refusing warranty. This leaves the dealer holding the bag. So, Polaris won't stand behind the product and then the dealer has to get into a drawn out battle over how Polaris needs to warranty said faulty product. The only other option is for the dealership to float the bill which isn't their responsibility as it isn't their fault the product failed.

Not sure what else to say on the topic. It is flat out wrong how Polaris has chosen to deal with these issues. They have alienated the customer and won't stand behind their own product or support their dealers.
Latest update

In total today i spent about 4 hours on the phone with customer service. I got the same run around from everyone i talked to until i couldnt be passed along to anyone else. No supervisors were availaible to talk today. Im suposed to be getting a phone call back from a supervisor.

Shop owner spent alot of time on the phone again today as well. They are also willing to give me dealer cost on parts (aftermarket or not) and good will the labor as well.

In my opinion the dealer is trying their best to help, problem is that everyone except polaris is going broke trying to keep these motors running. Polaris is happy to report record profits, and hold lots of press releases, but unwilling to even talk to a customer that spent over $10,000 on a new sled.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
must be a denial for some reason.hard to believe polaris says,you have a warranty but we are not paying because we dont want to.
45 mi past warrenty

just past the first time and they say because they didnt cover it the first time its not their problem. Dealer doesnt even want to fix sled with polaris parts. (lack of faith in reliability, and need to try something different) so why is it not a polaris issue?

wont even warrenty parts that are new, and i bet any shop could guess which side i lost. the same one as everyone else. they can either keep it running, buy it back, or show up in court.

I dont think that being able to talk to someone that can at least explain some things is unreasonable.

I work hard to buy my toys and have fun, i dont make it a habit to spend lots of cash, and sit on the couch with a big headache. Should have bought $10000 in lottery tickets


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
i c.never heard of a mileage warranty.thats purty nice of the dealer to fix it for cheap.


Moderator: Premium Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,

Seriously folks get in contact with them.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 29, 2007
We really need to start a class action suit against them but anyway, I had started a letter the other night to the CO State AG. I was trying to word it in a way that these machines and their known faulty engines can pose a serious safety issue to Coloradans by stranding riders in the back country and putting them and rescue personal at risk. Also citing the potential risk for the engine to fail and lock up causing the snowmobiler to loose control of the machine and colliding with other snowmobilers, rocks, trees or off cliffs.

State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,
State Attorney General, State Attorney General,

Seriously folks get in contact with them.


Moderator: Premium Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
Class action lawsuits are typically good for the lawyers and bad for the consumer and manufacture.

You'll be lucky to get $500 from a class action.

The stranded rider is a valid argument, getting hurt is a pretty ling stretch, I don't know of one person being injured on these sleds from a motor failure.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Rapid City
Here is a nice article showing how Polaris is doing. American greed. So they move a plant to Mexico to ensure profits? How much money do they need and at what cost? The actions or non action of dealing with these sleds is a very short sighted way to protect the bottom line.

Polaris is more worried about their stock prices than making sure they have return customers. It's sad that with the constantly shrinking number of American businesses that we are left not even wanting to do business with them. Why would you treat your customer, your neighbor or even your brother the way Polaris has treated so many people with these stinking sleds. :nono: It's an embarrassment to this country.

We shouldn't even need lawyers. Polaris should simply step up and do the right thing. They won't. So we do need lawyers.There doesn't seem to be any real laws protecting the consumer in this case other than a lemon law.

So, somehow the Victory Vision won some bike of the year award. Not sure how. Maybe they paid for the most advertising in some magazine. Regardless, apparently they can build a bike, but seem to be struggling with building sleds. Seems odd since that is what they have been doing since the day one.

OK, I'm just getting sick of this crap from Polaris. I too had written letters made phone calls and emailed this worthless company. At one point I was ready to launch my sled right through their front door. All of you sitting on the board of directors living in your cozy homes shamelessly taking money from hard working people and giving nothing in return. Carma is coming and it will find you. Maybe if you made my/our wages you would deal with these situations a little differently. You are an embarrassment to this country and if you are what we call Americans, then I'm ashamed to have to share this land with you.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Jul 5, 2001
Riverton, Utah
Start suing your dealers!

Seriously, the dealers are just as complacent in this as Polaris is. In late 2008 and 2009 the local dealer management would say there wasn't a single issue with the D8 and that it was running flawlessly. Took my '09 in late in the season that year for new cylinders and mechanic just giggled, said by mid 2009 they had run out of space to put all the broken pieces that Polaris didn't want back on warranty claims any more. That same dealer snowchecked more 2010s than they had 2008s or 2009s.

Polaris is right, they are a dealer company. The dealers are their OFFICIAL representatives. As long as they keep shielding the pain from corporate nothing will change. Sue even a handful of dealers and they will roll the pain up hill to corporate faster than you can dial the customer service phone number.

The dealers talk a good talk, but they come out smelling like roses. "Oh, Polaris denied the claim, won't talk to us any more, you should call customer service". "Oh, they won't help either, well what do you want to do? We can fix it for you for $2000". "Yea, Polaris sucks, they aren't standing behind these things, we'll give you a 10% discount on the parts to fix it".

And even when people get pissed and walk away from Polaris, which apparently isn't too often, more people line up to buy the crap. Just look at the 2010 and then 2011 sales numbers. It's amazing to me... since 2000 Polaris hasn't been able to build a reliable motor over 700ccs yet people still buy them.

Start inflicting pain on the dealers by either suing them or not buying new product... that's the only way to make them (both the dealres and Polaris) take notice.

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