Who grooms these trails?
The trails are groomed, marked and maintained by 27 snowmobile clubs and the Vail Pass Task Force. These programs are manned by nearly all volunteers passionate about winter motorized recreation and good land stewardship. The clubs and their members are solely responsible for cleaning the trails in the summer, working with land agencies to secure the proper permitting, maintaining the equipment and grooming, marking and maintaining the winter trails.
Where does the money come from?
The majority of the money comes from YOU, through your snowmobile registration fees. Those fees go into a dedicated fund administered by the Colorado Snowmobile Program, a function of the Colorado State Trails Committee of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Nearly 70% of the money is put right back on the ground in the form of reimbursement of expenses like fuel, insurance and equipment repairs and maintenance as well as materials for marking and signing trails. Safety education and enforcement of registration and snowmobile regulations also come out of this pot. The Colorado Program is a nationally recognized program for its efficiency and effectiveness. Our programs run on shoestring budgets but because of their commitment and passion they do a million dollar job!!