Which there is VERY LITTLE of when it comes to finances. Kind of why poor parents often times have poor children...
It is amazing that for how much money is involved and changes our lives, we rarely talk about it with other people, nor do we spend much time leaning about it in school.
Does that seem right?
that would be a big start.
* Average credit card debt per household with credit card debt: $15,788*-fug that makes my 500 I stress about on the card seem piddly....mind you it's not cause it's not paid off, but I guess it could be worse.
You are correct, if you never witnessed your parents being money smart then you most likely won't be either....makes me glad I had to watch my parents scratch and figure how to make the budget stretch.(at one point they were supporting a family of 5 on 800 a month....I think we ate some real "different" stuff)
We have all ready started working with our oldest who is 5 about money and the consequences, etc involved with it.