Belts around the ski's work great, I cut up two old ones and bolted them together wide enough to fit over easily over the ski's (dealers usually have extra old ones from belts they have replaced). Getting them off can take a minute or two as they get wedged back under the ski. One on each side helps the sled go down straight(er), only issue is you can't really turn so make sure it's a straight shot down. I have used the same ones for 4 different sleds over 8 years. I only use this method once (or twice) a year when I get in a bad spot, almost always in the spring when you can climb anything and it's slick going down. More often than not I am lending them out to newer riders that aren't quite ready to total their sleds. For the most part if you can't ride down it normally you probably shouldn't be on it. We all get in situations where you make a bad decesion or make it up and need to get back down. It's a just in case type deal, special occassions only. I usually only carry one in the middle of winter to save space in the bag, it works well but pulls more, if you use one make sure you put it on the side that it's safer to get "pulled" a little too (i.e. away from a tree in the fall line).