I'm having a serious issue with my sled right now that I'm trying to figure out. and I'm 95% sure that the cylinders are phased 180 degrees from each other. Can anyone confirm that for me?
Im pretty sure that u are correct. The timing magnets on the flywheel are opposite from each other. so that would mean the cylinders fire 180 deg apart.
Have you ever had any problems with your flywheel bolts breaking off? Mine has done it three times. With old crank and with new crank. Cant figure out why. going to try a completely new flywheel set up and see if that helps.
I have had a ton of problems with my 04 crank. think im going to patch up and sell.
Thanks. Mine are about 90 degrees apart right now. Haven't had any flywheel issues but I think mine's headed down the road. I've been looking for an excuse to upgrade so here it is...