Weather was awesome today and we got to tear up fresh all day. Too bad there was only about 6" over a hard base. Weather was much better than I had expected. I had a blast today, my leg is getting better every week. My buddy Paul loves climbing, and it bit him a little bit today. He was climbing a steep, tree laden hill and ran out of room. He turned out and rolled his hood (and melted it a little) into a tree which saved the sled from going down hard. I left him up there for a while on his own, I went up only after I saw there wasn't much hope of him getting it down on his own. The only way that I could get up there and stop was to climb up and time my turnout so that I could lean the sled onto the uphill side of a tree to park the sled. I think that was a first for me, but it worked out well. In the total cluster@#$% that Paul got himself into, he lost track of his helmet. We probed and shoveled for 20 minutes and never did find it, oops. All and all it was a good day, except I should have brought my dad along today.