Hang with me
Proper way of taking care of a pest in the ag dept.
Leafy spurge was introduced to Minnesota in 1890 with a bushel of oats from Russia.
Of course, blame it on Russia.
What they don't tell you is how they have been perfecting genetically modified (GM)insects.
Selling point is they are seasonal and can not reproduce.
I learned this in the 80's I was a commercial pesticide applicator that was brought up to speed on this. They had or have an insect that had a life expectancy within its feeding area.
You could see a field of spurge on a hillside and there would be this perfect circle of about ten foot radius all along the hillside.
Clear of spurge
Those that work in the industry of farming have to roll with the times if they want to survive.
The government is actually a very cruel entity in the wrong hands.
I wish I would of kept the data on this from then, this one particular spurge insect was something you would expect out of today's imagination.
Sheep and Goats eat spurge but that brings a whole nother story on how the government has controlled everything we do from a very long time ago.
These genetic modification jabs are nothing new, they just broadened their cliental.