So about a week ago I picked up a 2011 M8 153" Standard with 1800 miles. I planned on keeping it as a back up sled for my 2011 800 Etec 154 and then selling it part way through the season, but after riding it for a day I really began to like the M chassis and I feel like its got alot of potential. Stock for stock- the 2011 Skidoo is the better all around sled. But there aren't many modifications to made, nor is there much weight to be lost on the XP and after seeing Snowests CHR build I have been thinking it would be smart to get rid of the Doo and mod the M8 much like the CHR was. So starting off... Goal #1- Get the sled under 400lbs dry, Goal #2- Be at or super close to 180HP. The M8 doesn't climb like the Doo. I plan on a Timbersled Skid to both lighten up(bout 15lbs) and help the sled get on top of the snow, haven't decided on shocks yet(watching the raptors closely), and a 2.5" track would also help climbing. I'm also thinking light weight front end- a-arms etc.... what do people like and what can I see for weight loss? 10lbs tops? I want to make it handle like a doo on the trail, and I think that will be fixed by better shocks all the way around. Now for weight loss. BDX intake -8lbs. BDX power valve mod -4lbs. C3 carbon fiber hood -13lbs. Can/Exhaust system -15-20lbs. Other things pulled out and holes drilled here and there -5lbs. After adding some extra weight from the bigger paddled track it looks like I would be anywhere from 60-70lbs weight loss, which should put me in ballpark 400. What all can I do for power? I'm thinking pipe, y pipe, can, and clutching which would be what roughly 10-15hp. What works well for exhaust systems and will I need a fuel controller? Please give me some input on my ideas and what you think. Advise is great!