Ski-Kitty: Nothing monetary. Just gotta cozy up to a funny lookin' cat.
Changing the jets will have the same effect on your sled at any altitude. I don't know what yours has/had, but for example, my '02 came with 520N's. It is a safe jet that will likely never be too lean. Trouble is that it is normally way too fat and drinks lotsa gas.
The DPM will adjust for temps as well as altitude changes, but it would always be the same amount fat.
When you lean it out, it will be that much leaner at any time/place/height/temp, theoretically the same amount. Now DPM has it's limits. It can only lean out so much. +40*F and 12K' I think are the numbers used, but I am not sure if those are cumulative values or how that works. ???
Either way - if the DPM doesn't doo it;s job sometime, it will most always be too fat. Never heard of one messing up and being too lean.
I believe that the stock 800 in 02 was considered safe to drop to 480's. There was also a needle change as well. But as I am not familier with the '07 I will not tell you what is safe for that. Just use my post as an understanding as to what they are telling you to doo.
DPM delete is a whole nother deal. If you delete the DPM altogether, then you will hafta jet for the altitude and temps that you generally ride in. Or rather - what you will be riding in today. And some guys will even change them mid ride if things change too much. I hate smelling like gas (when I'm playing) almost as much as I hate wrenching when I should be playing, and I would rather let the DPM doo it for me if it works.