BBBBbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... too darned cold for me!!
It was -13c here in Revy at 06:00 this morning, and that is cold enough thanks. Being that I previously resided in both Saskatchewan and Aberta, I always have a consideration for life back on the Prairies. But what I don't understand is, ....where's the global warming that "THEY" keep referring to????
I was browsing the "Weather Network" this morning, checking some AB temps, when I found a news clip that referred to the cold temperature of Saturday night at the Edmonton Airport, it stated that this -46c temp was the coldest recorded temperature on the "PLANET" for that date. BBBBBbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............
With or without "windchill", who cares, it is too cold.
Pinner, please don't bother re-pasting H2Snows rant, .....once was enough!!