So I can't get my 04 800 to hold 8000 rpms, or even 7800 for that matter. It just bounces around up there. I read up on what DJ calls the Wah Wahs. Accordingly I've kept adding weight to my primary. Here is my setup, 160/290 spring, 415 ramps. Just replaced the secondary spring, and buttons. I'm not really sure how much weight I now have in my primary, I have the hollow pins plus one big weight and one small one.
This week I added the extra smaller weight, started at 3 and tried it out, only hit 74- 7500. I moved the clicker up and it went to 7700 but still bouncing around.
Also I was doing some hill climbing and near the top of long pulls, (when it got really steep) the sled bogged on me. (Consistently in the same steepness over 4 or 5 climbs).
Anyway, don't know if the two are related but can you help me out? Is bogging ever a sign of too much weight in the primary? Also I know that some of the internals of the clutch are worn? rollers have some visible grooves, missing some of the rubber washers around the buttons, some wear is visible in the slots where the primary buttons slide.
This week I added the extra smaller weight, started at 3 and tried it out, only hit 74- 7500. I moved the clicker up and it went to 7700 but still bouncing around.
Also I was doing some hill climbing and near the top of long pulls, (when it got really steep) the sled bogged on me. (Consistently in the same steepness over 4 or 5 climbs).
Anyway, don't know if the two are related but can you help me out? Is bogging ever a sign of too much weight in the primary? Also I know that some of the internals of the clutch are worn? rollers have some visible grooves, missing some of the rubber washers around the buttons, some wear is visible in the slots where the primary buttons slide.