not really the place to post this bud. this section is stuff for sale..
but im a nice guy, lol..
its pretty have to either remove your outter clucth cover (CAREFUL THE SPRING IS UNDER COMPRESSION AND CAN SHOOT OUT)..I clamp the clutch, take out the bolts, take the cover off, remove the primary spring..that way you can move the stuff inside feely under no load..
tkae an allen wrench and combo wrench and take the bolt holding the weight in, and lift it out..stick the new one in, bolt it and stick the spring back in, clamp the cover on and bolt it..
or you can clamp the clucth down, and do it all under load..your choice..
after you get it all back together, (make sure the "X" is lined up) when you see the X on the outside cover, the matching one will be on the inside of the oppisite side..just make sure its matched...they are balanced this way..torque it all down, and after a first run, or good long it..
does that make sense..if not, PM me for more help..its hard for me to type, step-by-step, LOL..
good luck..