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Clutch - Clutching - Brace - im using one with 872


I have been running turbos and BB in Skidoos since 08 and have had zero issues with drive components with the exception of a blown belt here or there and that was typically before I had any venting on the clutch side. :face-icon-small-win
My point BCL is DPG calls it a band-aid. Without knowing all the circumstances of each sled we end up debating on its ROI. The brace isn't a fix all add one but can serve a purpose as you mentioned[/

Each sled manufacture is virtually identical mechanically ...They all have inferior cranks, clutches, jackshafts, chains & gears I don't care what brand you own.


I dont agree!
I'm not to concerned about the jack shaft breaking...It's the amount of flexing you get with a stock jack shaft under load....Stoping the jack shaft from flexing will provide better driven clutch performance, better chain case performance which adds up to better track speed to get you higher on the hill.


They say the belt drive better at doing this!
Option #1 $800 to $1200 for the belt drive VS. Option #2 HYVO chain/gears $200, Gun drilled Molly jackshaft w/bearing $450, balanced clutch & crank $250, grand total $850.

Which mod option makes the most sense Dollar for Dollar ?

Over here in Europe we already do, still gets the same sh_t.
A bone stock -15 Freeride 154" is around 23k USD OTD here in Sweden.......

I see BRP now offering their own clutch brace as them admitting having done something bad. To hear them say it out loud wont happen.

This is not an admission of something "bad"
This is an admission that there is room in the market for them to make this part and be competitive in it and make a profit.

Just like floating secondary - Their propaganda and reasons there is no floating secondary on an XP is because they "skew the alignment" in a sufficient amount that when under full throttle there is a range of vehicle speeds that the belt is aligned correctly (under load)

...but they have floating secondary clutch. (because they see Doodoctor making it). It is just a good business move to have floating secondary too. There is a market there with enough room for them to come in and take their chunk of it by way of customers who think they need it.

BRP themselves are paying homage to the aftermarket because of the war they started against the aftermarket. Proof is to just open the BRP accessory book and look at the aftermarket products that BRP carries, copied and labelled under their own name.

Its like a relay race. One guy makes around. Next guy makes a round...next guy makes a round..and the sled keeps pushing forward. But, there are owners who also can meet and exceed the performance of the sled, and that is where the aftermarket comes in.

When you open up BRP accessory catalogue, there is the aftermarket product right in your face and there is a category of potential customer that's converted into paying customer and now that keeps the customer away from the aftermarket - always thinking about "skidoo" "skidoo" "skidoo"
...floating qrs
...running boards
...belly pans
....kitchen sink.

I submit this - if someone in the snowmobile aftermarket made "kitchen sinks" and was persuasive enough to have people buy them to be applied to OEM snowmobiles the OEM would step up and make kitchen sinks too and put them in the catalog
Joe I think your onto something with the kitchen sink....Us guys who run muff pots could really benefit from having some water on board to clean up the muff pot mess....Its even possible to run the plumbing line through the exhaust or heat exchanger for hot water.....BRP's marketing department I'm sure can be creative enough and even offer a whole selection of folding utensils that fit nicely in the back seat....It can prove to be away to successfully bring more woman into sport if the gals knew cooking, cleaning, and utensils were all on board.

Someday I'll have to share my top secret ideas about my Sled-B-Que :face-icon-small-hap

Option #1 $800 to $1200 for the belt drive VS. Option #2 HYVO chain/gears $200, Gun drilled Molly jackshaft w/bearing $450, balanced clutch & crank $250, grand total $850.

Which mod option makes the most sense Dollar for Dollar ?


Option one. Gears and chains been around along time and work. I wouldn't call it a mod as my sled already has them. Also my crank assy and clutch came balanced from the factory. Additional cost to me. 0

And if I were to bb nothing above would change.
Joe I think your onto something with the kitchen sink....Us guys who run muff pots could really benefit from having some water on board to clean up the muff pot mess....Its even possible to run the plumbing line through the exhaust or heat exchanger for hot water.....BRP's marketing department I'm sure can be creative enough and even offer a whole selection of folding utensils that fit nicely in the back seat....It can prove to be away to successfully bring more woman into sport if the gals knew cooking, cleaning, and utensils were all on board.

Someday I'll have to share my top secret ideas about my Sled-B-Que :face-icon-small-hap


Tin foil goes along way!
Option one. Gears and chains been around along time and work. I wouldn't call it a mod as my sled already has them. Also my crank assy and clutch came balanced from the factory. Additional cost to me. 0

And if I were to bb nothing above would change.

You'd be surprised how out some stock clutches are from the factory. End of the world, hardly, but a balanced clutch is a nice thing.

Tin foil goes along way!

Tin foil is so 2006... PARCHMENT PAPER... trust me, you'll thank me for that one, just had someone tell me about it last year... like a beam of sun from heaven. :D
This is not an admission of something "bad"
This is an admission that there is room in the market for them to make this part and be competitive in it and make a profit.

Just like floating secondary - ...............

I have been making my own clutch braces for years, actually been selling a few too =), and my floating clutch kit came from Team so none of my "first aid kit budget" has gone to BRP.

That 23K price tag had another result this fall, I now have a comparable RMK on order which was 3K cheaper. Will be interesting to see what band aids I will have to make for that =)

Working in product development I have a full understanding of the business decisions that are made before launch of a new product. However I do honestly think, regardless of brand, that the OEMs should have their beancounters on a slightly shorter leash. With the prices we are paying I really think we deserve a bit better all round quality than we are getting today.
Option #1 $800 to $1200 for the belt drive VS. Option #2 HYVO chain/gears $200, Gun drilled Molly jackshaft w/bearing $450, balanced clutch & crank $250, grand total $850.

Which mod option makes the most sense Dollar for Dollar ?


Hey Steve....
option #2 is BS

Hyvo chain/gears are ok...
gun drilled? On a QRS?...lol
balanced crank and clutch for $250?? What ever

Flexing jackshaft?? LOL

The tower does flex the tunnel and will alter your center/center and rpm.

True the crank, balance the clutch is smart but a lot of work @ $ for most..

Racewerx brace kit is designed to fail before any chassis damage...

The BD is lighter and more efficient...should help all those low quality parts...?

BTW...how is your knee?

I haven't run a clutch brace on my 09 summit BB yet, nor did I run it on my turbo(dam thing didn't stay together long enough to warrant a brace...lol). I questioned the purchase of one last season and some reputable snowesters made a good point.....If I am not having clutching issues or blowing belts, why would I purchase a brace now? Very good point....I never did buy one and sled is still running strong.
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