Using our semi-desert land to raise anything is a HUGE waste of taxpayer susidies. Back when it took 2 months to ship a head of lettuce or side of beef 500 miles there was a point to it. Now you can pick grapes on a friday in Bolivia and have them on your table a week later.
The truth is, feed lots back in illinois, where corn and feed crops grow like weeds without the input of bazillions of gallons of irrigation water, are so much more efficient at rasing beef it's ridiculous we even bother out here. No harm intended against the ranchers and farmers (i was a farm boy in MN) but I'm sure they know as well as anyone, it's a dying way of life in the west. When water starts to cost more than koolaid, there's a problem with supply.
Agriculture is not a friend to the health and bio diversity of the natural environment, but hey, ya gotta eat! lol It is very hypocritical to allow cows, sheep, etc. but to exclude human uses. Really shouldn't surprise you though, because things are pretty f'n bassackwards in this country. Get used to it, I guess? Your lifes great, so stick your head in the sand and leave the mess for your kids to clean up? Do what you can to restore common sense to society and government? Nah, I'm going riding. lol