This was posted over at
and I wanted to pass on the info to everyone here.
The fine will be $1000 and 90 day's in jail. This is bullschmitt and is being driven by the azzhat that lives right up at the top of the ridge above Pine Loch Sun.
Town Hall meeting scheduled to discuss Upper County Road/Trail
Closure Area.
The Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Public Works are
sponsoring a Town Hall Meeting Thursday April 29th from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M.
at the Cle Elum Elementary School, Multipurpose Room, to discuss the
existing Motor Vehicle Closure Ordinance.
The goal of this meeting is to obtain feedback from the public on a County
Ordinance which prohibits the use of motorized vehicles in and around the
big three, Cle Elum, Roslyn and Ronald.
This ordinance was brought into existence years ago to address the high
volume of dirt bike use at a time when land ownership and occupancy had a
very different look than it does today. In an effort to address the changing
needs and direction of the upper county, we have found the current language
of this ordinance difficult to enforce. Since its inception, land ownership and
use have changed hands, major development has taken place and the
population dynamics have changed.
After reviewing the complaints, both for and against enforcement practices,
the Sheriff’s Office and the Department Of Public Works reviewed the
boundaries and language of the existing ordinance. Both agencies agreed
that changes need to be made.
“The people who live and work in the affected areas need to be part of this
process. We are opening the door for discussion and input from the
stakeholders and individual members of the public to bring their concerns
and ideas to the table, before we bring proposed changes to the ordinance.”
Clayton Myers, Undersheriff
and I wanted to pass on the info to everyone here.
The fine will be $1000 and 90 day's in jail. This is bullschmitt and is being driven by the azzhat that lives right up at the top of the ridge above Pine Loch Sun.
Town Hall meeting scheduled to discuss Upper County Road/Trail
Closure Area.
The Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Public Works are
sponsoring a Town Hall Meeting Thursday April 29th from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M.
at the Cle Elum Elementary School, Multipurpose Room, to discuss the
existing Motor Vehicle Closure Ordinance.
The goal of this meeting is to obtain feedback from the public on a County
Ordinance which prohibits the use of motorized vehicles in and around the
big three, Cle Elum, Roslyn and Ronald.
This ordinance was brought into existence years ago to address the high
volume of dirt bike use at a time when land ownership and occupancy had a
very different look than it does today. In an effort to address the changing
needs and direction of the upper county, we have found the current language
of this ordinance difficult to enforce. Since its inception, land ownership and
use have changed hands, major development has taken place and the
population dynamics have changed.
After reviewing the complaints, both for and against enforcement practices,
the Sheriff’s Office and the Department Of Public Works reviewed the
boundaries and language of the existing ordinance. Both agencies agreed
that changes need to be made.
“The people who live and work in the affected areas need to be part of this
process. We are opening the door for discussion and input from the
stakeholders and individual members of the public to bring their concerns
and ideas to the table, before we bring proposed changes to the ordinance.”
Clayton Myers, Undersheriff