Decided to clean my exhaust valves, have 1100 miles on my 13 Pro RMK, at about 500 to 700 miles notice my idle had dropped off by about 100 + rpm, and seem to idle a little rougher, especially when first started, Sled does seem to still run strong. I ride with 3 other 13 Pro's and they all have a much smother Idle and just sound a little different. Pulled the mag side first and it had a lot of carbon, much more then I had ever seen before on other sleds, it was built mostly between the vale and the vale body, looked inside at the piston and rings and it was wet with oil and the rings seem to set further back in the grove making them harder to see, their was a very miner score line off to one side on the piston but not bad, I took off the clutch side and it looked normal, piston was clean, rings easy to see, no scoring, just normal. The plug on the mag side might be a little darker then the other one but not by much, and the hole from the valve body to the case was not plugged. Should I be concerned?