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Civil suit, me, Dave Halverson, and you.

Don't worry Josh. They'll find him soon. My Fiance does inteligence, and let me tell ya. Once they turn out the hounds, its silly how fast they find your tracks.

Hopefully the guy has more than 2 dimes to rub together. I wonder if dave knows that what he's done is going to be on his rap sheet for the rest of his days?
Bin laden is ONE and the same as the Wizard of OZ,, He does NOT exist.
Just another boooggie man made up for our entertainment by the oil industry.

If it were a real person,,, he'd be caught and dead by now, just like sasquatch..

oops,, no bigfoots caught either,, or dead...

ole halverson on the other hand has a family to revel in the legacy he is laying out for them.

Have you been hitting the piece pipe?

Bin laden is ONE and the same as the Wizard of OZ,, He does NOT exist.
Just another boooggie man made up for our entertainment by the oil industry.

If it were a real person,,, he'd be caught and dead by now, just like sasquatch..

oops,, no bigfoots caught either,, or dead...

ole halverson on the other hand has a family to revel in the legacy he is laying out for them.

Anyone or group who tries to actually find and kill has been deported !!

answer that ?

100,000 us citizens(troops) are over risking lives without finding the boogieman ?

my glasses may be rosie, my dope is as good as yours, so what is the answer??

or is the answer just to blindly believe what Diane Sawyer sells to the viewers on ABC ??

She is the number 1 salesperson on TV,, sells all the political b/s to her viewers all the time,,,,, hows that oil leak going ???

back to halverson please...

all doped up and rosie !!!!!! LMAO
is the answer just to blindly believe what Diane Sawyer sells to the viewers on ABC ??

Well that tells me allot if you get any info from ABC you are not getting any facts.
From your previous post and if you do in-fact believe any of what you said, your POT is very good. :smokin:
Lighten up gus bohne, I realize it is summer. Just a little healthy debate big shooter.

We don't know for sure nor do you, I personally believe he does exist and we are not looking at the right place (or country). If you knew for sure you would have him in custody or proved to our military to call of the dogs would you not? Mr Joshua, sorry to derail things......:focus:
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dude, I'm giggling hence the LMAO tag at the end...

yes, back to recouping the lost thousands sent in good faith'' to dave halverson.

and,,,,,,, no such thing as ghost's..lol


democrat !!!!!! Thats below the belt man.......
Don't . Once they turn out the hounds, its silly how fast they find your tracks. QUOTE]

hmmmm....i think Bin-Laden would disagree

:peep:lol...... Ok, let me set the context..... assuming davey boy isn't hiding in pakistan with bin sack o chicken chit. :biggrin1: What happens once in court depends on alot of things. But rest assured, if he's still state side, he won't be hiding for that long. Unless he ditches every sort of modern anything and finds a cash only way of life by himself in a tent out inf BFE. Which, ain't gonna happen.

Now Bin Laden on the other hand. Thats a bit of an interesting situation. I have a future in law who is/was (retired) in the defense biz. He explained to me for about a half hour once of the complexites of what goes on in that part of the world. oddly enough, there is this fragile balance there..... You have the gov't there, which is semi aligned in a very loose odd way (basically they buy our guns and Humvee's) and you have the rest of the country/ tribal leadership. The gov't is fragile as it is....... should things go upside down there and the current gov't leadership get thrown out, you have a very large problem now in the way of an even more tense situation between pakistan and India..... Both with full on nuke and peer to peer capability. See where this goes now? Its not just as simple as walking in blowing some stuff up and shaking the rat out of his hole and be done with it.

Had the last administration (I know, i hate to say it, but its the truth, G.W. duped us. I was as big of a supporter as anyone of that policy back when)been a little bit more serious about using and commiting American Soldiers to the inital offensive in afganistan and not put the majority of the commando load on Afgan fighters, they would have had that rat. They had him in Tora Bora. But lacked the resources to really go in hard. They felt american blood is too high cost politcally. So it came down to a limited number of special forces and hired Afgan fighters.

So here we are now. People ask why are we there. Think of any conflict that has happend in the last 100 years. A base and presence is maintained. Just the way it is. Like it or not. Unfortunately, the afganistan problem will take 20 years to fix. Until the children grow up and become the leadership of tommorrow, nothing will change. You have a dirt poor country that makes its money by growing and selling opium..... Its a Narco economy. Until they come out of poverty, and gain the abilty and affluence to produce like western/european countries things will remain 100% the same. Which, may never happen...

I think its pretty nieave(sp?) to think we can fix the worlds problems. What started out as finding and killing one coward terrorist man, turned into a crazy expensive way of establishing a forward operating base to secure energy interests and sit in Irans back yard, and stare over the fence while cleaning a rifle if ya know what I mean. We had no business being involved in Iraq, but thats all in the past now. Now we cant leave. Think of all the what if scenarios now. Not to mention, the real posibility of genocide. Seems a bit like bosnia don't it? 3 groups, priorty one for everyone is to see the other 2 dead. If we left tomorrrow, Iran would be camped out in baghdad by tuesday.

Unintended consequences can be a real mother sometimes. We're going to look back in 40 years, and say "what a total train wreck. What the hell were we thinking."

Really what did we achieve other than getting saddam out, and getting girls to go to school and wide spread useage of cell phones in Iraq. I know i'm over simplifying the whole deal, but what a mess, honestly.

Major side track eh....... c'mon snow! I hope you get dave for whats owed and then some Josh. I think being ripped off is the most irritating thing there is. Dave deserves everything he gets.
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