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Child Riding Belt

Nope, that is not what sledding out West is all about. The following pictures should explain a bit better what is. Well at least to me.
Cody 2.jpg
Misc 2.jpg
The Trench 2.jpg
My youngest daughter has been riding with us since she was 6 months old, she is 5 years old now.
My youngest son has been riding with us since he was 7 months old and he is three.
While the child riding belt is not classified as a safety device, my wife and I both feel a lot more comfortable with the kids harnessed to our bodies behind us then having the kids sitting in front of us. I have heard one to many stories of what happens to kids when a sled comes to a sudden halt with the kid in front of the rider.
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I've been riding child in front worked well enough so far. I've put a sled on it's side twice at low speeds.. both times I managed to keep the child riding my arm and leg so they don't touch the ground (one was a freak occurance I was turning around in a snowy gravel parking lot and plop), then I use my knee on the ground and foot to keep the sled off their leg...

I haven't had an issue with the stops... well they have bounced their helmets off the center padded part of the handle bars on occation, but I've never crushed them.

That being said... they are getting to big to sit in front.. i find myself leaning to the side looking around their helmets and I hope to get a proper 2 up sled here soon... but them not being able to "hold on" on a bump concerns me (they're between the ages of 8 and 12 now), more so because they're my neighbours kids.... heh Sooo how big of a child can this handle? and what happens when I stand up for a bump do they stand up too? and is there a quick disconnect for getting off the sled for breaks/stucks?

The formula we all need to remember when riding with children in front of us is Force=Mass X Exceleration. A 170lb person travelling down the trail at 20mph would excert 3400 pounds of force on a rider sitting in front of them should they hit something and come to a stop. I know my arms would not be able to cushion that amount of force in trying to protect a rider in front of me. I also know that a rider in front absorbing that amount of force would have some pretty serious injuries out of that. It is the same principle as riding with a child in front of you on your lap in a vehicle.

We were stopped for lunch one time at Elkford and this group of young guys came over and was asking about the belts. They then told us the story of a buddy of theirs riding down the trail with his child in front of him and hitting something. He didn't even know what he hit but he sent his child into the front of his sled breaking the childs femur and some ribs.

The child riding belts would be too small for children 8 and 12 though. We found another type belt for older children at our local motorsports store. It is a belt that they driver wears and has handles at the back that the child holds onto. The driver and passenger are not attached to each other.

I would suggest fabbing up some foot supports though to lend stability to the passenger if their feet do not touch the running boards.

Our kids range in age from 18 to 3. We have been riding with the youngest 2 since they were 6 months old.

Sorry for the rant. This is an issue that I feel very strongly about.

If you dont think it is a good safe idea that is your choice, dont come on here writing in on his post how you dont like them or see a need for them. I personally think they are a good idea, why would you want to use your child to cushion you??? seems backwards to me!! If you were running say 30-40 mph down the trail and your chain busted and wadded up in the bottom of the case you cant convince me that you are not gonna smash your kid against the bars, or if there was something you catch an a arm on and whips you around, when your sled slows that quickly its going to throw you forward, its just how it works, i wish i could make it not happen cause it hurts like hell when your sled stops instantly and you dont.. I think this is a great product, and would much rather take the impact than my daughter, or niece and nephew.. just my opinion,
Sorry, I did not mean to imply the belts are a bad thing, I was simply stating what I "have" been doing as I never knew belts like this existed until slightly before I posted in this thread.

And yes in a "suprise" situation I would probably hurt the children, but that being said I only ride on trails/areas I know well to avoid such posibilities when I have children with me. I've luckily never snagged an A-arm on something but once my drive belt did desintegrate while WOT up to about 70mph and jam up the secondary locking the track up, the child thought I lost a ski we stopped so fast. I had that split second where I could tell something was wrong right when the belt failed, but before the track locked so I could brace myself and restrain her.

But I realise that moment won't always be there which is why I did end my post with questions about the belts as when I get a proper 2 up sled it would be a great idea because I don't trust (can't think of a better word) them to be able to hold on over some of the bumps as they wouldn't be able to see them coming. And at the same time I don't want to "seat belt" them to the sled as I want them to be able to bail if need be.

Once again I apologise if my post seemed to be belittle the product I was just giving background information so that my questions maybe better answered.

***Edit*** Plus I suck with wording sometimes...

I think we have all done it that way, you can hold the kid between your arms and legs, makes sense, strap to the machine, i agree is a horrible idea, ive went many miles with a kid in front of me but when i saw these belts i bought one right away. thats cool you were not dis agreeing with it..There are so many posts that people come on and bash or talk negative about, input is great, but if you go through the for sale ads there are tons of sleds for sale then a couple posts in the ad is someone telling the seller they bought one cheaper,even though they live in rhode island and this sled for sale is in washington, maybe the markets arent the same.. or that sled is not a good model, or slp pipe would make it better than another brand. etc...etc...I wasnt bashing you i was just showing my support for a guy trying to sell an item to help with safety..
oh no understandable I read your reply and felt I should clarify incase others took my post the wrong way as well.

But it still sucks they aren't big enough for the children I'll be toting around... but they won't work with my current sleds as the kids would be sitting on the tunnels behind the seats :P I'm to big to scrunch up to the handle bars :P Heh I really need to find a decent 2 up sled.. once I sell my RMK that is...
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