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Chena/Tanana River conditions

Dec 9, 2007
Would love to have been in Cantwell or Summit today but insted made 1st tracks on Chena. Ice decent , broke though along edges a couple of times. Not brave enough to get on Tanana but probably could have. May want to wait annother week or so depending on weather. Still need more snow!!:)
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Fairbanks Ak
Would love to have been in Cantwell or Summit today but insted made 1st tracks on Chena. Ice decent , broke though along edges a couple of times. Not brave enough to get on Tanana but probably could have. May want to wait annother week or so depending on weather. Still need more snow!!:)
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Friggen nutcase the river's are no where near safe to run yet! :D

I seen a bunch of sleds heading up the Steese earlier.;)
Dec 9, 2007
He He no worries guys keep your speed up just in case.:) Sort of sketchy in front of Pikes and at the mouth though.
Sleds headed up the Steese where probably headed to the White Mountains should be decent up there by now.


New member
Dec 17, 2007
He He no worries guys keep your speed up just in case.:) Sort of sketchy in front of Pikes and at the mouth though.
Sleds headed up the Steese where probably headed to the White Mountains should be decent up there by now.

There is around a foot of snow around 12 mile summit last time I was over there last week. I live up in Central, we have more snow now than we got all of last winter. Just hope it keeps dumping, it is pretty good riding if we get 3 or 4 feet.:D;)
Dec 9, 2007
There is around a foot of snow around 12 mile summit last time I was over there last week. I live up in Central, we have more snow now than we got all of last winter. Just hope it keeps dumping, it is pretty good riding if we get 3 or 4 feet.:D;)

Used to drive up there all the time doing testing for a certain automobile company (can't tell so don't ask :D .If you live in Central you already know). Good looking snow up there always meant to go. Made some great dirt bike and Snomachine trips in the Nome Creek area, North end of Circle Fairbanks trail and trail into the White montains (Always forget the name of the Creek), but never much further than that. Is it fun to run the Quest Trail? always looked like in a few spots visible from the road you could dive off into some great open areas. Or ever jump on the Yukon from Circle?


New member
Dec 17, 2007
Used to drive up there all the time doing testing for a certain automobile company (can't tell so don't ask :D .If you live in Central you already know). Good looking snow up there always meant to go. Made some great dirt bike and Snomachine trips in the Nome Creek area, North end of Circle Fairbanks trail and trail into the White montains (Always forget the name of the Creek), but never much further than that. Is it fun to run the Quest Trail? always looked like in a few spots visible from the road you could dive off into some great open areas. Or ever jump on the Yukon from Circle?

I haven't actually rode the Quest trail all of the way to Angel creek but there are some places along it that would be killer as long as there is enough snow. Never ridden up the Yukon either, something I'd like to do sometime though. My Dad breaks trail for the Quest 80 miles up the Yukon and I guess a lot of times it is really rough due to the jumble ice from freeze up. I think the name of the creek you are talking about is Mckay creek. Nome creek is pretty good riding also, I grew up back in the White mountains.
Dec 9, 2007
Ice is getting thicker on Tanana and the last snowfall helped a bit but still need more. Made it to Howard Lukes but as you can see flowing open lead in background spooked us a bit :D and decieded to stop there. Couple more weeks and we'll be out in the flats.
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The Fairbanks Daily News Minus had a ice thickness deal in the paper yesterday (Thursday 6th) and it said 14" on the tanana out by chena pump? I could try and put it on here if you want. It had chena lake, birch, quartz...
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