This a very good topic..
I can tell you from experience with my business, that it is NOT always as "cut and dry" as some would describe..
I will try and explain in more detail..
1) Sometimes the question asked is VERY difficult to answer CORRECTLY via written response. So, Sometimes the "asker" may get a short answer or the "Please call" answer, NOT because I did not want to answer the question but because the question is VERY difficult to answer via email. For example, When people ask for the differences between certain products, this question is not easily answered via typing since there can be dozens of "differences" between EACH product asked about and you really do not want to leave any one out or short the guy of the FULL answer.
Again, the full answer can be MUCH easier answered with much MORE DETAIL via the spoken word.. So, when the question requires a very detailed answer, typing is usually not the best form for giving all the details..
2) Some's typing skills are much lower than others. So, what may be some easy typing for some may be a long drawn out typing mess for others (Like me, who can not type very well)
3) This a huge one, at least for
my company.. During the Winter season, the phone is ringing constantly, I mean it will ring non-stop.. So, you get into the shop on ANYDAY, especially Monday after a long weekend of riding has taken place, and you can have 100+ emails in your inbox AND more coming in every minute, 50+ messages on the voice mail and the phone is ringing from the minute you walk in the shop's door. Then you also have that little thing called "Work" to do ... So, what do you give the highest priority? Answer..
So, what happens is, you learn to multi-task. Meaning.. You answer the phone and answer the emails at the same time.. NO, this is
not ideal.. but you really have no choice.
You do the best you can to give service to both the phone caller and the emailer..
One thing I will never do is click over to the other incoming call when speaking with another.. I have call waiting, but never use it. It is a free service with my plan and it alerts me that there has been another call while I have been on the phone. That is its sole purpose with me. I hate it when I am on thephone with a business and they say "hold on a minute" and click over.. So, I choose never to do this to anybody.
I also never cut anybody short on the phone. I have been on the phone for over 2 hours with customers MANY TIMES.. And this does not upset me at at, I enjoy speaking will all fellow sledders, all this does is make it so I get home later that night..No big deal...

FearlessCatMan.. Nice to see you back on the forums.. I remember having a relay conversation with your operator many years ago.. Your situation is truley doubt..I actully remember asking why we had an relay. Again, nice to see you back on the forums.
So, some businesses are more busy than others and at some point, there can surely be a threshold point that gets crossed.. All one can do is do their best to try and provide the best service they can at that given time.. Sometimes it is enough and sometimes, the customer "feels" it was lacking.. this is unfortunate because I do not know of ANY business that would intentially short their customer or potential customer.
I mean, think about that, why would any business try and purposely turn off a customer?? But, having said all that, some people feel that that is exactly what they got. This is truly unfortunate..
Remember, these businesses are that busy for a REASON That reason being, they have a line of products that is very desireable.
If anybody in any business was ever short with any caller.. ESPECIALLY when they were speaking with the business owner (like in my biz's case) , you can be assured that it was never intentional..because no business owner would ever try and sway anybody away... Afterall.. it is their business..
Now, if you are speaking with an operator/ phone answer employee.. then I can see where that individual may or may not really care if the customer is satisfied or not.. afterall. they have nothing vested in the company.. just there collecting a paycheck.. Of course, this is a HUGE generalization.. Most people in that position love their job and are there because they do care..
So, IMO, this is a touchy subject that can get misrepresentated because every day has a different set of circumstances that surround it.. I remember once or twice when I would be on the phone and one of my CNC's would crash or have a serious issue.. Of course, at this point, you need to politely get off the phone to tend to the situation at hand with the machines.. Some callers will take offense to this and others will understand it completely. So, every situation is different.. Same with email answers.. maybe whist answering the email, a machine crashed, or somebody got cut, etc. etc.. well. this would surely cut the email sort.
So, taking offense to any and all viewed " insufficeint" email answers In my opinion, is NOT always as simple as saying that the company did not care to fully answer your query.. There is usually a better reason than that for poor representation..
IMO of course,