With the tmap tube shortened and 10-11psi at 5500feet. Ripping on the trail i would see 110-130f charge temps. Wot long pull or race across lake id see 160f. Charge temps would come down to 80-90f within a few seconds when coasting. Before id see only 90-100f almost all the time. Doing this did help the heat soak start up issue. In which case sled would run good right away after being turned off for 5-15min. But cant say i could tell a diffrence while doing wot on off. But it did make it burp twice on the trail on me which it never does. I also tried a way heavier blow off valve spring. I think that helped my slow moving in the trees on a hill bog as it never happened after i put the heaver spring in. But in both attemps either together or on there own, i dont think it helped the wot hard on er on and off throttle stutter.
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