I know you probably mean well, but I think this might be a little out of place. Are we really going to beat each other down simply because someone climbed a hill in the winter? It's what we do.
It would be nice if avalanche training and safety equipment ensured that you would never be involved in a slide, but we all know that isn't the case. What does avalanche training and preparedness allow you to do? MITIGATE. You look at the signs, calculate your risks, and then take what you feel to be appropriate action.
I know that the only way I could be 100% safe was to simply not go out. I could stay at home, sell the sleds, and wash my hands with this sport. Some of us may do that after a close call and the rest of us will understand. For me, hanging it up isn't an option. I choose to take calculated risks for the sake of doing what makes me feel truly happy and alive.