So, I've changed a few things and so far I can say it's an improvement for me. I ditched the EPI 66gr weights and went with the Team Rooster weights, loaded in the heal with 68.5 gr and my RPM on the hill went back up to 8200/8250 I switched to the Speedwerks H5 alloy 140-335 primary and I bought a secondary spring too, but can't get the damn torx bolts out of the helix to replace it. So far, in deep snow on the steeper hills and trees, I really like it. I'm still building A LOT of belt heat and can't really figure that out yet. I'm lacking about 1" of full shift out on my primary, but Carls said that it's almost impossible to get it to shift all the way out on a mountain sled. Anyhow, just thought I'd share an update. More testing to come...