Just thought I would pass along my thoughts on what better. This is my opinion only with a couple of facts thrown in. I run a sx450 this year, ran a kx 450 fi last year, and my son runs a 06 kx 450 . The carb works great in all conditions. We tried the jd jet kit with the blue needle but the 06 liked the stock needle better. Last year we did some testing with the main jet and running up the same hill run after run and going from a 180, to a 185, to a 195 the 195 produced the most power. We have tried this on othe bikes with the same results so don't be afraid to go big.on the 06, with a frozen boost intake and sock, fmf pipe and silencer, we had a mid range bog with the needle in the stock, center clip position and going two clips rich, raise needle, and going from a 42 to a 45 pilot jet the midrange is awesome. IMO a 08 kx carb is the dream bike. Still carbed but a 5 speed. Now for the fi thoughts, it's great when it works, but IF something goes south your walking....no fuel pump, injection,air temp sensor, cyl. Temp sensor, roll ver sensor ect. Don't get me wrong i love my fi when it works, and most do but when they have a problem, like a short in the wirering loom, it sucks. Also these bikes dump fuel into the motor after about 25 degrees. I run a dobeck controller on my last years bike and now this years ktm and after a few teething pains it seems to be bullet proof. Do you have to run one on a fi bike. Most don't but to have the ability to reduce fuel going by your rings, taking lubrication with it and diluting your oil, I think it's a wise investment for 300-350 bucks. It allows me to ajust my idle fuel with a push of a button and has a closed loop in the midrange and wide open. I have tested different afr's and my bike likes 12 afr wide open for power and by setting my cruise ( yellow mode) at about 13.5 my fuel usage is great going down the trail. So that's my thoughts and what I have found so far. I love the closed loop options and with this controller I can raise when the closed loop turns on so I can see what the stock setting would be without the controller controlling. These controllers have had some problems with water getting into the gauge. But if you thaw out your bike like I do every night I have had no problems. Hope this may help some. Just what I have found so far.....any questions let me know...Garry