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Cantwell Saturday

Speaking of Cantwell, what ever happened with the hearings they had last year regarding parking at Cantwell. Supposedly there was an easement issue? One of the Native Corporations owns an easement on either side of the road and they were going to charge a fee? or you were going to need a permit to ride across the easement? Anyone hear anything about this???
Nov 26, 2007
I think it's Atna that owns it?

These are everywhere there now
Nov 26, 2007
Keep this on the DL....but it'll never be against the law to go XC skiing with a fiver of gas, right?

A white sled is hard to see from the sky....
Hey guys- check out this link (might want to bookmark it). Especially the Cantwell area maps. It looks like there should still be access on the 17(b) easements.

A lot of land in the Cantwell area has been selected by Ahtna. From the maps, it looks like some of it has been conveyed and some of it is still in process. It is my understanding that no-trespassing signs on land that does not yet belong to you are not enforceable, but it could ruin a good day of riding if someone was out there hassling riders. Just be aware of where you are. There's still a lot of good riding areas available out there.

Dec 9, 2007
There were tickets put on trucks last year but I belive that from the Igloo south you are legal. Last I heard if you want to park at the 191 pullout or any where North you need a permit .Not sure a about Denali Hwy. though. Will try to get more details ASAP. Yeh this sucks!! Very similar to the Chitna deal.
What kind of tickets and who wrote them? And were the trucks parked in the pullouts in DOT right of way?

The last time I was up there, a park ranger (I think) was handing out a pamphlet with info about not riding in the park and showing people where the park border was. But there was nothing said about parking in the pullout... just curious.
Talked to BLM today and they put me through to this web site. http://www.ahtna-inc.com/index.html There is a a good map of the area on this site and numbers to contact people. I tried calling but no one answered. However, according to the map you can still park at the weather station?....Where that little airstrip is and go in that way, but offload at the normal pull offs (198-196) and your trespassing. The guy at BLM said they are writting their own tickets and they will nail you for trespass. I'll try calling again tomorrow and see if they are giving out permits.
Jan 26, 2002
This pisses me off so much. The only reason they want those lands is because so many people use the area, and its easy money.

Their vision statement pretty much says it for me...


Ahtna, Inc., with a strong sense of cultural pride and identity, will enhance the overall well being of our shareholders through the wise stewardship of our natural resources, and sustained growth and economic development for future generations."

So they charge us money and reap the benefits just because they can...such b.s. system if you ask me.

Their land on their map only starts at mp 191 or so. Igloo is a few miles before that, so Ill just go in there...
Nov 26, 2007
I parket at the airport last year in may and no ticket...took a picture of the sign posted above on the walk out (missed the truck by 1.5 miles) so it's a narrow window for parking


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
Wasilla, Alaska
They'll never catch us in the backcountry right? But what if they're waiting for us at the truck :eek:

They wont unless they are TEH HITMAN and you are 15 miles deep or so, haha. I guess well have to park further down and ride north a bit, no probs with that here. If Im riding with Joe in his truck though, its on like donkey kong...either that or wait until Turbo Tim unloads, then take the signs down and load them in back of his truck. :beer;

A white sled IS hard to spot from the air, but I dont think thier tracks are any harder to spot...:rolleyes:
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Active member
Jan 9, 2008
I love it we have no f*cking road access to this big-@ss state and f*cking AHTNA locks up as much sh!t as they can get their f*cking hands on, I've hated those pricks for a long time... and I'm pissed about Osama-oops I mean Obama, well not much of a difference anyhow. Communist prick.
Oct 22, 2008
Derrick here,
We will be out checking for permits in the Cantwell area the next few weekends of snowmobiling. I would suggest picking up a permit or printing one off online if you would like to park at Mile 198. There is not a whole lot we can do about it becuase the Native Association has a say over the lands there. Thanks for your time.

Jan 16, 2008
i think someone needs to point out the fact that there is a huge difference between Osama and Obama. not really seeing the joke in that. I was going to school in New York in 2001 and that chit was no joke. Why doesn't anyone rip on G.W. for not catching Osama in the last 7 years. We live in a democracy and our voices can be heard. If you want to be heard than call and write letters to your government officials and let them know about your concerns over land and gun issues or how kunty Pelosi is. You wanna be pissed be pissed at the current president that has failed to catch Bin Laden and is leaving this country in the worst shape it has been in a while. I'm not saying its all his fault, it takes a mass effort to **** up this huge country. Be optimistic about having a new leader no matter who he is. We have a voice. So many people talk chit about Obama and he hasn't even started being president. you are American, dont be ashamed of that.
Nov 26, 2007
Checking permits?????

Derrick here,
We will be out checking for permits in the Cantwell area the next few weekends of snowmobiling. I would suggest picking up a permit or printing one off online if you would like to park at Mile 198. There is not a whole lot we can do about it becuase the Native Association has a say over the lands there. Thanks for your time.


I hope this is not a joke. It's hard to tell who is actually who they say they are on these forums.

I understand the need for a permit to cross privately held property, but I don't understand why the forest service would be checking permits issued by a private property owner. The signs that I have seen along Cantwell say "Private Property" not "Federal or State property." So, I'm to understand that the government is now paying enforcement officers to monitor access through private land. Is this service available to everyone? I have property in McCarthy, Alaska and I'd like to have an enforcement officer go check on my property to make sure no one is cutting down my trees for firewood. Who do I call to arrange this?

This is ridiculous. If there is a specific complaint of trespass then a property owner can call authorities to come and remove the trespasser, but to say that you're going to be "checking for permits" means your directly working for the Native Corporation or private property owner. Am I missing something here?

Please, someone explain this to me. I've gotten access permits from Native Corporations on several different occassions, usually for hunting, so I'm familiar with the process.
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