dude, My triple piped turbo 900 cat has the gate on the collector rather than my prefered center of pipe location.
Just like you, I had an 8 psi spring in it,, just like you I could barley bleed it too 11 psi.. The gate is being forced open by dynamic pressure. once i installed a 12 psi spring it allowed me to bleed to 16 then same thing.. limited by pipe pressure over coming the spring.
If you go to an ebc that allows you to apply pressure to the TOP of the gate this issue will go away.. dont know if your manual will allow you to apply pressure to top. if it does or can be plumbed to do that . It will work just fine that way.
So in a nutshell. instead of bleeding OFF signal to open gate you are appling pressure to the TOP to prevent it from opening until a higher pressure is achieved.. too bad we lost our snow and ice.. I would have tried it for ya!