So I have a nicely built 2005 900 / 166, with a list of options that would fill the page.
I was running the SLP pipe with a CPI stinger.
I found when I fired it up the Trailer the Women and Chidren where running for cover in the parking lot staring at the Trailer to see what kind of Monster was about to emerge.
My riding buddys liked the fact the could always find me on the Hill because of the Noise.
They would distance themselves on the Trail and I was almost going Deaf.
Nice Power, on the High end.
Does anyone have a DB reading on this stinger compared to StocK ?
So I put the matching SLP lead weight Can on, Killed the top end.
I have an oportunity to buy the Whole Dyno port set up
Y, Pipe, Can Plus the Barker Can.
The Word is the Stock Dyno Port Can is 5 -6 DB more than stock,
the Barker is about 10+ louder.
Is the the CPI Stinger like 50+ DB louder , just trying to draw a reference before I buy this setup.
I would hope the Dyno Barker is some where between the CPI and the SLP
for Noise.
I was running the SLP pipe with a CPI stinger.
I found when I fired it up the Trailer the Women and Chidren where running for cover in the parking lot staring at the Trailer to see what kind of Monster was about to emerge.
My riding buddys liked the fact the could always find me on the Hill because of the Noise.
They would distance themselves on the Trail and I was almost going Deaf.
Nice Power, on the High end.
Does anyone have a DB reading on this stinger compared to StocK ?
So I put the matching SLP lead weight Can on, Killed the top end.
I have an oportunity to buy the Whole Dyno port set up
Y, Pipe, Can Plus the Barker Can.
The Word is the Stock Dyno Port Can is 5 -6 DB more than stock,
the Barker is about 10+ louder.
Is the the CPI Stinger like 50+ DB louder , just trying to draw a reference before I buy this setup.
I would hope the Dyno Barker is some where between the CPI and the SLP
for Noise.