not the same as the 08 skids. i put over 3000 miles on my skid durring the 08-09 season with no bushing issues, and then just under 2000 miles last year with no bushing issues again, no issues at all for that matter. the main cause of bushing issues on the t-sled skids is lack of maintenance, there are grease zerks on every shaft for a reason. they need to be consistantly greased to keep good lubrication, i grease mine before every ride and a lot of guys just do it every weekend. not doing so will lead to sooner bushing failure, as well as using a cheap grease that is not designed to work in cold temps will do so also. My only hick up with the mtn tamer skid was my own fault, trying to get a good shot of a jump i hit it about 10 times landing fairly close to the same spot and the last time falling about 30 feet out of the air to flat on hard pack snow, in doing so i compressed my back hard enough that i spent the next few weeks at the chiropractor. i bent the rear torque arm upper shaft, and the guys at timbersled were great about it, helped me out at a discounted price even though it was completely my fault.