Thanks MR. Facts
well, thanks to our Senate Democrats, we will not be seeing that oil, as they intervened and implored the Iraqi government to NOT award any contracts before they had a "Hydrocarbon law" in place...So we pass on our alignment with the greenies, and it costs us oil and infrastructure on the world marketplace...
Come on people wake up and put the blame where it this case...these three democrat senators...oh and dont forget Obama is further to the left than these guys...
Senators Schumer, McCaskill, and Kerry
couple key quotes in case it is toolong to read for others...
oh and I bet most have not heard that Barrack Obama asked the Iraqi Minister to hold off on Strategic framework discussions to end violence and work on troop transfer until AFTER the elections!!!! Yes, the Messiah conducting foreign policy and guiding foreign political leaders with ZERO standing in which to do thinks he might have got himself in trouble on this one!!
Will be interesting to see how this gains momentum link <---