I've been AD Air Force for 8 years and recently came back from tour #3 in Iraq. I can tell you that I have a strong dislike for the particular folks in that region of the world. That being said, I can honestly say that I do not want a ban on Burqua's in the USA. If you pass a ban on one piece of clothing, then hats will follow, and then skirts, and before long we are all wearing the same clothing because uncle sam says so. I agree with removing a piece of clothing for a peace officer when it could be used to hide your identity. OTOH, I could say the same when it comes to religion...I do not want any one religion banned, because I know I do not want anyone coming after me for my beliefs. We have enough of our freedoms restricted as it is...if you don't believe me, just look at how much wilderness has been created! IMO, the government has enough power as it is, sometimes I feel like Freedom is getting an * put next to it.
I think that the root cause of the problem, is that few people are American anymore. Immigrants want to wave the flag of the country they came from instead of waving the American flag. Be proud of your heritiage, but if you want to come here and become an AMERICAN, then learn english, work your *** off for your dreams, and be an example your family can be proud of!
I'm not saying we can't be diverse, as diversity makes us great. I just dont want us to be so diverse that we don't remember who we are.
Ugh I could go on and on and on........don't even get me started on welfare.