Hey, I'm just a sad as everyone else here! I'm also pissed because snowmobiler are still being ignorent and stupid. I know many 19 year old kids who's parents will not buy them a beacon, but they will buy them a $5000 -12,000 sled
Not to metion the avy conditions where high on that day.
Yes your right, If your under 15' of snow your not coming out in minutes, but atleast his buddy and S&R would have had a good place to start. 60 people and a cadaver dog! ya. That's not a good start. I respect people that treat the back country like the back country, plane and simple.
I didn't mean to come off as an ***. As all of us know the Avy was the first mistake. I don't know anything about the young man, and I'm certainly not going to believe what the media prints about it. If someone here knew him, I'm all ears. Heck a gangbanger gets shot up by police for shooting at them, and they family sues the police for wrongful death. A guy snowmobiling gets buried and dies, and we are reckless and we need to be stopped.
Friends and family of the gangbanger rally around in support. They don't care what he/she did that ended up getting them killed. It's usually filled with some nonsense about he/she getting their life back on track.
Anyway, it's hard for me to read posts about carelessness and that somehow the young man deserved it. Not all of us are aware of the resources available to us. I guaranty that I was where I shouldn't have been, and doing what I wasn't supposed to do way more than once. And honestly had no idea I was in the wrong. The only difference is that I am still here, call it dumb luck. Or just luck in general.
We, as sledders need to rid ourselves of the "they should have known better" mantra, and just be supportive of those lost. Maybe they didn't know any better, maybe they did. If I wasn't there, I'm not going to assume the experience of the other. I have done everything right and the hill slid anyway. We don't have control over it, and certainly can't predict it, with every precaution taken. That is a risk we take, every time we head out.
That being said. This they "should of this", and they "should of that" needs to stop. We need to be advocates of snowmobiling, and I guaranty that the anti-snowmobile peeps read this forum. By bashing or even questioning the the preparedness of others only adds fuel to their agenda. Unless you think .gov should tell us where, and when we can ride. We are stepping on our own dick when things like this happen.
(this wasn't directed at you Tec, but the group as a whole)