Hey I hear ya. I used to lightweight my wife's sled every year and then she always packed 30 pounds on it. It is no different than when we go on a trip and I pack one bag and she packs four.
In all fairness,buy a bag to pack what you want, for the day, and who cares what anyone else thinks. People enjoy different things for different reasons. If you want two shovels then buy a pack to accomodate and who cares what everyone thinks. If you want to just pack a shovel on your sled then go for it. If you don't want to pack a shovel at all then go for it. Do I think everyone should have a shovel and be on your back, Yes. Will you ride with me, without one, no. Buy a pack for your needs, and your group, and be prepared for the consequinces of what you don't have.
I would rather have a big bag and a small backpack. I have a shovel and probe, and sometimes my saw in my abs pack and that is it. Everything else goes on my sled. Less weight equals more energy and less sore at the end of the day.
The best pack out there, imo, is the powder keg. Waterproof, bombproof, no zippers, stackable gas can, and expensive but worth it.
I personally like the True Adventure bags. Quick release snaps on shoulder straps make it nice and easy to drop backpack when wearing tekvest. My backpack for school weighs more than my sled pack and I pack enough for girlfriend and I to stay night if needed.