I broke my colar bone a month ago. How long should iI stay off my sled? Has anyone else broken theirs and how quick did you get back to riding? Thanks for any replies
Busted mine mtn biking and simple activities like running and doing cardio I was back at them in 4 weeks but I would wait 8 weeks to start throwing around a sled, better to be safe than rebreak it cause you started to soon then be sitting twice the time.
Broke mine 3 years ago was feeling pretty good 3 weeks later so I figured I was fine, ended up rebreaking and had to weight 8 weeks total before doing much of anything another 4 weeks to start riding and shooting my bow...
Give it an extra week or two or you may regret it.
i Broke mine on thanksgiving and was riding on Jan 5. (6 weeks +-) Just take it easy the first few rides. you should be able to get a few more Rides in this year
Broke mine January 9th and was riding by the end of February. Made my first ever trip to Togwotee on February 28-March 3. No problems tuggin an M1000 around for 3 days.