Last year I lost a pto bearing while I was in togwotee and the snow was the snow was amazing. Some how I was able to limp it back to the lodge. Not sure why this happened, but I would like to take extra percautions to prevent this from happening again. Going to turn my oil pump up and and put the updated motor mounts in. My mounts were bad and I could move the motor quite a bit, it had 1100 miles on it. They did such a good job building this sled, but why does the simplist things get overlooked with all the testing they did. The clutching and gearing is also off from 9000 ft and higher, the sweet spot is from 8250 to 8300 rpm. I'm thinking that this failure is a combitation of all these items combined, extra load, extra side load, and lack of oil. I've got the clutching and gearing all figured out and will be replacing the motor mounts if they ever get shipped to my dealer. But I would like some more insight on the oiling, I have not tore one of these motors down yet but I'm thinking about it. I know that there are three oil bosses to supply the bearings, but is there also oil passages in the crankcase? Just wondering if this would help or is it not needed? I also checked run out on new motor and it is perfect. Maybe I should just turn the oil pump up, balance the clutch and ride it, these pros are amazing to ride!