While you all make good points I need to throw in my $.02. Your turbo has to work exponentially harder (faster rpms) at 10000ft to make the same psi levels as you would at sea level. The barometric pressure, air density, etc is lower at elevation so HP will go down regardless if your NA or turbo. Turbo's DO lose less power than NA's at elevation. I know this because of the many NA and turbo'd cars I've personally dyno'd at sea level and 6000ft on the same dyno in the same temps. Not to mention how many times I've raced big HP V8 NA cars up here and smoke them with my 2871R 2.0T Audi where if I were at sea level it would be a much closer race. At 6000ft where I dyno I have been seeing that Turbo's lose ~19-22% depending on ambient conditions. NA's lose ~22-25% depending on ambient conditions. This is what my dyno research has shown on the matter compared to dyno's I've personally done at sea level on the same setup, same temps, same dyno, etc). Overlaying graphs and power curves. Ambient conditions play a big role in what you lose. My car makes 30hp more in 40deg than in 100deg just because of how dense the air is. Intercoolers need to be that much bigger up at elevation too since the thin air being compressed by the turbo is creating the air to be much hotter (also spinning the turbo harder) than it would at sea level in the same temps. Pressure at sea level is +/- 14.7psi (29.92 hg). Pressure at 10000ft is ~ 20.6 HG. Pressure decreases exponentially 0-5Kft, 5K-10K ft, 10K-15K ft and so on. Turbo's will work harder at elevation to make up for the loss in atmospheric pressure but their net loss is a tad less than NA. It's not the 3% FI vs 6% NA losses per every 1000ft gain in elevation like everyone has always said, especially since that scale is exponential.....but if I were to put it into those terms to 10K ft at most I'd say my research has shown more like 3-4% FI vs 5% NA. It's pretty close. Regardless forced inducted engines are the way to go at higher elevations. Be thankful you run those FI sleds in 30deg especially if you don't run a intercooler (which is the wrong thing to do). I'd hate to see what those egt's and iat's would be on a 100deg day lol... Also a good thing to do is check engine compression at sea level vs 5K ft. You will not be happy regardless of being NA or FI. I only bring all this stuff up because I have PERSONALLY gone out of my way to do extensive research on FI vs NA cars at sea level vs elevation. Not something I googled like a lot of people do on forums.
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