I am always reading threads where people talk about hp loss and how a NA sled will lose more HP than a boosted sled because "There is less air at altitude". This just is not true. It is a medical fact that at any altitude the air contains the same ammount of 02 roughly 19%-20%. The difference is how much atmospheric pressure there us within that air. Even though at the summit of everest there is the same ammount of o2 it feels as if there is 66% less o2 than at sea level.
It can best be exampled by thinking of a box. If that box at sea level holds an amount of o2 well say 100 for easy math. Than at the summit of everest it will still hold 19-20% of 02 only at a value of 66. So as it seems there is less o2 there is still the same percentage its just lots harder to get because you have to move more volume to get the same result as you get at sealevel. Clear as mud??
[/QUOTE] According to Dr. Eric Weiss, when trekkers first started to going to Everest, one out of every 50 died. Nowadays, thanks to awareness of the consequences of high altitude, that figure is one in 10,000 to 50,000. The medical syndromes encountered at altitude all come down to the body's response to the decline of oxygen pressure.
Atmospheric pressure is a gauge of how many oxygen molecules are available per given volume, say a breath. While there is the same percentage of oxygen in the air up high, lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes means fewer oxygen molecules are available with each breath. [/QUOTE]
It can best be exampled by thinking of a box. If that box at sea level holds an amount of o2 well say 100 for easy math. Than at the summit of everest it will still hold 19-20% of 02 only at a value of 66. So as it seems there is less o2 there is still the same percentage its just lots harder to get because you have to move more volume to get the same result as you get at sealevel. Clear as mud??
[/QUOTE] According to Dr. Eric Weiss, when trekkers first started to going to Everest, one out of every 50 died. Nowadays, thanks to awareness of the consequences of high altitude, that figure is one in 10,000 to 50,000. The medical syndromes encountered at altitude all come down to the body's response to the decline of oxygen pressure.
Atmospheric pressure is a gauge of how many oxygen molecules are available per given volume, say a breath. While there is the same percentage of oxygen in the air up high, lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes means fewer oxygen molecules are available with each breath. [/QUOTE]