When I read the title my first thought was that the fuel pump burned out when it went dry...but with 40psi you are getting fuel.
When mine sat two summers ago, we didn't winterize it very good and it was a BEAR to get started. The injectors were gummed up and it took a lot of time with fresh fuel and injector cleaner. We eventually got one to start popping, then a second, and then the third fired up. It ran rough for awhile, but eventually cleaned out. Afterwards I had to change the oil because some had made it past the rings, so that is something to check if you can't get it going.
I know its a PITA to get to the plugs, but I would try throwing some new ones in if you haven't.
I would also check the box and make sure it isn't adding any fuel at idle, it could be flooding your engine. - come to think of it, if an injector is stuck open it could be flooding the engine as well.