I have had the sled and box since last december and under stand the basics. Last spring i added a speedwerx pipe and after about 2 minutes at nearly wide open stuck the pto side ring into the piston in three places. it never stuck the piston. Piston was almost all grey. I was using speedwerx box set up with it a couple of steps richer at all the rpm ranges above 5000. I assumed this would get me close and be safe because it was a lot richer than the settings without the pipe. It probably would have been good in the trees all day but it obviosly did not work out in the open. I know lots of guys are running a similar setup and was hopping someone could share their knowledge and save me the hassle. Any help with the Boondocker Box numbers would be greatly appreciated.
o8 m1000 162
sno pro intake
v force reeds
speedwerx y pipe pipe tunnel dump can
stock clutcing with 80 gram weights
bdx diamond drive 59/61
It was running about 7600 rpm. I am planning to go to 83 gram weights and get the rpms down to about 7300
o8 m1000 162
sno pro intake
v force reeds
speedwerx y pipe pipe tunnel dump can
stock clutcing with 80 gram weights
bdx diamond drive 59/61
It was running about 7600 rpm. I am planning to go to 83 gram weights and get the rpms down to about 7300
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