2018 800, 800 or so miles.
There's a scenario I'm getting that's happened twice now. The sled runs fine, hits rpm, no weirdness. Then I got to start it and it's like the entire mapping is out of whack. It will run and engage but bogs with any sort of real throttle, and will just cut out. Then when I go to restart it, everything's fine again like nothing happened.
This is my first polaris since the dragon days but is there something going on with a TPS read upon startup, such that it gets 'set' wrong and then restarting it resets it?
There's a scenario I'm getting that's happened twice now. The sled runs fine, hits rpm, no weirdness. Then I got to start it and it's like the entire mapping is out of whack. It will run and engage but bogs with any sort of real throttle, and will just cut out. Then when I go to restart it, everything's fine again like nothing happened.
This is my first polaris since the dragon days but is there something going on with a TPS read upon startup, such that it gets 'set' wrong and then restarting it resets it?