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BMP can?

I love the sound of my powderlite on my sled it's a 2010 M8 with there fat azz pipe and ypipe, but I have heard the same setup on a Rmk Pro 800 last yr and it sounds awesome. Yes therenis big weight loss with the can, and no power loss with it I think u might gain like 1HP. And if you add there pipe it sounds even better!!!!
I love the sound of my powderlite on my sled it's a 2010 M8 with there fat azz pipe and ypipe, but I have heard the same setup on a Rmk Pro 800 last yr and it sounds awesome. Yes therenis big weight loss with the can, and no power loss with it I think u might gain like 1HP. And if you add there pipe it sounds even better!!!!

how would u say the powderlite can compares to any other cans out there ?
BMP Powderlight VS. Full Velocity...

I currently have a 2012 Pro Chassis (its a switchback assault) had a 11' also... Bought the powder light and love BMP's products. I also had a 2010 RMK Assault. That sled i ran the "full velocity" can from BMP. I think if i were to go back and do it again... I would get the "full velocity" for my Pro. The powder light is about a pound lighter, but it is also REALLY loud, Loudest by far of any cans I've had the experience of running next to. (which is only SLP and HPS I Guess...) Im afraid im no help on power loss running the powder light, I put it on only to go out west and obviously lost a ton of power going from sea level to 8000' i wouldnt be able to tell you... I will tell you that running that can, and using polaris exact specs on their clutching chart for that altitude, i was blown away at how well it ran. Im used to unloading and tuning for a couple hours before riding but this sled was dialed in held right around 8150-8200rpms all day long.
I currently have a 2012 Pro Chassis (its a switchback assault) had a 11' also... Bought the powder light and love BMP's products. I also had a 2010 RMK Assault. That sled i ran the "full velocity" can from BMP. I think if i were to go back and do it again... I would get the "full velocity" for my Pro. The powder light is about a pound lighter, but it is also REALLY loud, Loudest by far of any cans I've had the experience of running next to. (which is only SLP and HPS I Guess...) Im afraid im no help on power loss running the powder light, I put it on only to go out west and obviously lost a ton of power going from sea level to 8000' i wouldnt be able to tell you... I will tell you that running that can, and using polaris exact specs on their clutching chart for that altitude, i was blown away at how well it ran. Im used to unloading and tuning for a couple hours before riding but this sled was dialed in held right around 8150-8200rpms all day long.

Well thats great to hear it ran that solid all day, hopefully myn will do the same!, But is the Powder light supid loud like where you need earplugs? LOL

I wouldnt call it stupid loud... I mean its no Turbo'd apex bellaring up a hill that you can hear for miles away... But I would say that it is definitely one of the loudest on the market. Power gains or losses, i wouldnt have a clue. -Theres a thread going in the "Pro" forum about whether theres a place for loud exhaust anymore. Which brings up a great point, I didnt necessarily buy it just for the sound, I bought it for the weight savings.- I wanted the lightest can possible. Obviously lighter can = less material = less sound dampening. Like i said, if i had it all to do again, (hindsight is 20/20) I would go with the "full velocity" can again. If i want to lose that extra pound I'll have to lay off the cheeseburgers... SO if you buy that one and dont like it... Get ahold of me, i'll trade you.
I wouldnt call it stupid loud... I mean its no Turbo'd apex bellaring up a hill that you can hear for miles away... But I would say that it is definitely one of the loudest on the market. Power gains or losses, i wouldnt have a clue. -Theres a thread going in the "Pro" forum about whether theres a place for loud exhaust anymore. Which brings up a great point, I didnt necessarily buy it just for the sound, I bought it for the weight savings.- I wanted the lightest can possible. Obviously lighter can = less material = less sound dampening. Like i said, if i had it all to do again, (hindsight is 20/20) I would go with the "full velocity" can again. If i want to lose that extra pound I'll have to lay off the cheeseburgers... SO if you buy that one and dont like it... Get ahold of me, i'll trade you.

Im lookin to buy the powderlite can. do you still have it ?
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