Brought my Pro to them last November and it was actually the first '11 Pro 860 BMP did. Full kit, obviously didn't have the reliability kit then. Dynoed at 180hp with high compression head and 110 octane. I generally ride at and above 8700 ft, been mixing non-oxy 91 and 110 along with a shot of oil, suppose to be able to run straight 92, just added piece of mind. No DET codes and engine rips, throttle response is instant and pulls hard. Brother-in-law has '12 Pro 800 with SLP stage 4 and this 860 will pull about four sled lengths on it. Biggest difference I could see from riding both was the 860 has way more bottom end, jumped back and forth between mine and his and track speed increased noticeably quicker on the 860, as it should. Still not the performance of a turbo, but then again I didn't spend the money of a properly set up turbo kit either. Happy with the set up.