Attention Sledders
There is a new parking lot 1 km north left onto Blue Berry (dump) road a sign is posted on the airport sign with an arrow indicating the upcoming turn then follow the signs. Please Angle Park starting at the east left corner and use only as much room as you need that way we can accommodate everyone. This is the central parking lot for White River, Par berry, Cook Creek, Holy Grail, Paradise, South Blue (Horse Shoe). At The back of the parking lot there are road signs directing you to the areas. Do not park on Red Sands (big bear) road around the heliport and airport. Do not ride near or alongside the airport or CN rails tracks.
Riding sleds in town Is against the law and the RCMP have had many complaints and must now enforce this Also this has been used against sledders in our land use negotiations and access to the back country. We need to show everyone that we are responsible law abiding citizens and a strong economic force not a bunch of yahoos as some would like to describe us or we will lose all our areas.
For the Coulies please park at the sub station. Do not block the gate to station!
Please fill out a wild life sighting sheet when you get back from riding and drop it off at Holy Smoke Inn or Glacier Mountain Lodge. Available at the parking lot booths.
Please Park in the designated Snowmobile parking areas only
IT is essential to the future of our riding areas that all wildlife closures be respected.
“Pack Out What you Pack In”
Blue River Thanks you For Sledding Here
Blue River
There is a new parking lot 1 km north left onto Blue Berry (dump) road a sign is posted on the airport sign with an arrow indicating the upcoming turn then follow the signs. Please Angle Park starting at the east left corner and use only as much room as you need that way we can accommodate everyone. This is the central parking lot for White River, Par berry, Cook Creek, Holy Grail, Paradise, South Blue (Horse Shoe). At The back of the parking lot there are road signs directing you to the areas. Do not park on Red Sands (big bear) road around the heliport and airport. Do not ride near or alongside the airport or CN rails tracks.
Riding sleds in town Is against the law and the RCMP have had many complaints and must now enforce this Also this has been used against sledders in our land use negotiations and access to the back country. We need to show everyone that we are responsible law abiding citizens and a strong economic force not a bunch of yahoos as some would like to describe us or we will lose all our areas.
For the Coulies please park at the sub station. Do not block the gate to station!
Please fill out a wild life sighting sheet when you get back from riding and drop it off at Holy Smoke Inn or Glacier Mountain Lodge. Available at the parking lot booths.
Please Park in the designated Snowmobile parking areas only
IT is essential to the future of our riding areas that all wildlife closures be respected.
“Pack Out What you Pack In”
Blue River Thanks you For Sledding Here