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Best Rider Video Contest - It's On!

What'd be sweet is if a mod of this part of the forum or thread or whatever could clean this up some for us. :face-icon-small-coo:typing:

Would be a lot easier to make it through and check videos quicker just keep the rules, the guys putting up stuff for the winner and videos.
No real need for comments making this eventually 1 or 2 videos a page if its based on thumbs up and thanks??...including this one...lol although I guess it keeps the thread being seen at the top....

Probly have to be nugget to contact the mod

just spit ballin
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What'd be sweet is if a mod of this part of the forum or thread or whatever could clean this up some for us. :face-icon-small-coo:typing:

Would be a lot easier to make it through and check videos quicker just keep the rules, the guys putting up stuff for the winner and videos.
No real need for comments making this eventually 1 or 2 videos a page if its based on thumbs up and thanks??...including this one...lol although I guess it keeps the thread being seen at the top....

Probly have to be nugget to contact the mod

just spit ballin

I asked early on for the mod to pin the thread, they either didn't think it was a good idea or my request was lost in the shuffle.

I'm conflicted about making it a no comment thread, the comments do make it more cluttered, but they can also spur competition and interest. If the thread isn't pinned we need a stream of comments to keep the contest visible and in peoples mind, that was especially true early on when we didn't have any snow and few people were riding.
Kinda a slow start as to the season as far as filming for me. Borrowed a sled for the first few rides and then had more issues with mine. She's running decent now but I won't have enough footage for a real edit until the end of January. So here's a few random clips from this season...

Good work MT BDB, keep it coming. Please make sure you embed your video in this thread. Thanks
Just haven't had a very good chance to do much for filming yet but here's an edit I threw together last week…

I see a few spring riding shots, was this all shot THIS season?
Footage needs to be from THIS Current Season. Oct 2013 - March 2014.
Haha, yeah it's all from this season. We've had a pretty crazy warm January this season. Haven't had any fresh snow in 3 weeks and it's been in the 40s even up in the mountains.
Just checking. I know the weather has been nuts, I rode Island Park last week, Mt Jefferson at 10,000ft with NO coat,, tek vest and under armor. Crazy weather indeed. I like spring riding but damn it is January. Note; I returned to 3ft of fresh in Michigan Yesterday, WTH.

Nice footage, I may have to try visiting Seeley Lake sometime.
here's a couple clips from this past weekend in McCall, they need more snow in a bad way! Hopefully it comes with this next storm system
Stellar riding in the second video!! May I suggest you change the viewing order so the second vid is viewed first, I almost missed that there was a second vid.

here's a couple clips from this past weekend in McCall, they need more snow in a bad way! Hopefully it comes with this next storm system
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