Looking for A can to get rid of the suit case in my 09 M1000. They all say HP gain but I have put my F7 on the dyno with 2 different name brand cans and they both lost 2-3 HP. They are A lot lighter though, which is A gain.
I would like A can that is light and Dosen't lose HP.
I'm going to gear down next week, And I would like to get A can on order. Is the Y pipe A proven HP gain on the 09s. I know it was on the 07s. If so why hasn't Arctic Cat changed there design. Also I don't want to run fuel controler.
Thanks Kevin
I would like A can that is light and Dosen't lose HP.
I'm going to gear down next week, And I would like to get A can on order. Is the Y pipe A proven HP gain on the 09s. I know it was on the 07s. If so why hasn't Arctic Cat changed there design. Also I don't want to run fuel controler.
Thanks Kevin