Not naturallyhigh, I think it's from the aerosol fumes
Didn't coat the underside at all. Shouldn't have any issues with snow underneath, still bare aluminum on the underside of tunnel and coolers.
The stuff weighs 6.9 lbs/gal. This would mean I'd need to use about 8-9 cans to get a full gallon on. Didn't even use half that.
Even if it's 10lbs, I'm really not worried about it. I weigh less than 190 fully geared with pack and I'm coming off a nytro MTX, so I'll still be almost 100 lbs lighter even if it's 10 lbs
in terms of snow sticking, I think it won't be bad. When you spray on the material, I learned your distance to the surface dictates how smooth or rough it dries. Closer (4-5 inches) creates a fairly smooth surface. 10-15+ inches and you start to get more of the sandpaper effect. Sprayed the sides fairly smooth with a bit more "grip" effect on the top of the tunnel where my rack and the bag will go.
Entire project started as I wanted a blacked out tunnel without having to powder coat it. Did a lot of test spraying on bare aluminum. Plastidip (don't bother trying this), black paint, paint over etching primer, sanded rough, sanded smooth, just black self-etching primer, etc. lots of trial and error led to the duplicolor aerosol spray on liner. It does take a good 5-7 days to fully cure. This gave me the color I was looking for as well as being the most durable of all the combinations I tried.
I'm really not worried about the extra few pounds. If I was, I would have put on floats and not exit x1's.
Once my shocks show up this week I'll be putting together a full build thread and report on how everything worked once on/in the snow.
But like I said, been throwing around a tank the past couple of years, don't think I'll notice the few pounds of weight.