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Bad bog off bottom end. Pump gas turbo

I'm running at CPC stage 1 on my 2010 m8. Only at 5.5 lbs. First ride today. Riding at 7000-8000 feet. 38psi fuel pressure. Green on 1 yellow 2. I have a horrible bog/gurgle after letting sled idle for any amount of time and hitting the throttle. What is my problem? I also have the low boost acuator from Dale and I started with the rod just sliding onto the wastegate arm to turning it 4 full turns in and I only went from 4.5 to 5.5 lbs. Being a low boost acuator can it only go to that much boost? One more day ov riding for the weekend. Please help. Thanks Jeremy.
Fuel pressure and throttle position affect idle. You can double check you tps setting and make sure it is within range. There is no magic number for fuel pressure or box settings as every sled is different. Play with it till you get it dialed in. If your tps is on the high side of the range you will have to run less fuel pressure than someone else that has a tps setting on the low side of the range. I could never run 38 psi on mine as it would load up. As far as the actuator goes one turn doesn't do a whole lot. Get a manual boost controller for less than a hundred dollars and adjust it with that. Or you can buy a BD EBC.
Crank the knob all the way in if you have too. See what your max is. If its not high enough tighten then rode. Then back knob off an start over wit turns.
Fuel Pressure

It has a dolbeck box on it. Your fuel pressure is to high. The only way you can adjust your bottom end is with fuel pressure. The down side of that box in order to clean your bottom end up is to lower fuel pressure then add a regulator to increase the pressure back up when you build boost. Try 35lb that might work good luck.
TPS ??

I do not recommend touching you factory tps settings you are opening a hole new can of worms there. ..

Just my .02 on that

Fuel pressure and throttle position affect idle. You can double check you tps setting and make sure it is within range. There is no magic number for fuel pressure or box settings as every sled is different. Play with it till you get it dialed in. If your tps is on the high side of the range you will have to run less fuel pressure than someone else that has a tps setting on the low side of the range. I could never run 38 psi on mine as it would load up. As far as the actuator goes one turn doesn't do a whole lot. Get a manual boost controller for less than a hundred dollars and adjust it with that. Or you can buy a BD EBC.
I have had the same issue with mine since day one, same sled same kit damr year. I have tried every fuel pressure and box setting you can think of over 2 seasons with no luck in getting it perfect. I am going to a boondocker box stock ho head and the 3 degree e key to try and get some response out of it. Also I have been told that the 2 inch charge air tube isnt helping throttle response (every one else looks like they run 2.5inch). Hope this doesnt discourage you but this is what I have learned so far with this kit.

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What are your other box settings. specificly the YB and RB.

If you have the transition points to low you could be running in the green or yellow setting before your on boost and over fueling it. The transition has to be high enough to run on the stock program until boost kicks in.

I am not going to guess but your box should be GB is the boost fuel, and YG should be where your green comes in and RG where your yellow comes in. Again these boxes can be programed differently. I know the twisted box is different than a cutlers box.

but again if you are getting fuel on your yellow and green settings prior to the turbo spooling up it will foul it out.

Yep turn the fuel pressure down. I have seen some as low as 32 psi to clean up the bottom end. Set your green on 1 and your yellow on 2 and see if it is better.

I don't have yellow/green or red/green. Just green, yellow, red, green/blue,red/blue. Green blue is my boost fuel and red blue is rpm switch point for red setting
I would not run less the 38psi, have you called cutler?

What are all your setting.
Are you running straight pg.
like wyoboy said

call dale at cutler he has always been more than helpful and taken the time to listen to any questions i have had.
I don't have yellow/green or red/green. Just green, yellow, red, green/blue,red/blue. Green blue is my boost fuel and red blue is rpm switch point for red setting

Yep sorry, ment blue not green. Maybe I am color blind. :)[/QUOTE]

I have green 1 yellow 1, red .5 , red blue 7, green blue 5-6 I think. Fuel pressure at 38
Yep sorry, ment blue not green. Maybe I am color blind. :)

I have green 1 yellow 1, red .5 , red blue 7, green blue 5-6 I think. Fuel pressure at 38[/QUOTE]

bring green up to 2.5 or 3, yellow from .5 to 1.5 and see what happens. If you have had the sled running for a while, shut it off and restart it, helps reset the elevation the box is running on.

What fuel are you running
hey just a few questions..... The 2010 and 2011 M8 are a little finiky on the bottom end... if you idle and just slam the throttle they will bog unless you have them dialed.....

Is this the first time you have ridden your sled? OR is this a new problem that just started?

I have messed around with the 10-11s and have found that turning the idle up a bit and really fine tuning the bottom end is key... They have all been different for me. I had one that liked about 38psi of fuel pressure and another that liked 42psi... So you'll have to play around to see what is the magic number.... Also keep playing with the box...

Remember if you turn your fuel pressure down you need to retune your top end on boost... richin it up a bit to be safe.....
Did the sled run good the last time you rode

This weekend was the madden voyage with it being turboed. I'm running 91 octane fuel. It's been bogy ever since turbo. I had the green and yellow up and down. Didn't clean up bottom. I had fuel pressure at 32 for a bit. Seemed better but a buddy ov mine said that's to low. Will lean out on boost. So I turned it bac to 38.
How many miles on sled

does it have egts or a/f gauge

what elevation

What clutching

is the oiler adjusted right

have you put new plugs in and gapped them as per cutlers spec

I've heard, (if possible) if you could get a '11 flash it really help the turbos
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