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Backup alarm not working



Well-known member
My wife's sled is an 09 600 Summit. The backup alarm has not worked for 3 or 4 seasons now . The first couple years it was intermittent. Then just up and quit completely. I searched the ne high and low and all I could find was no fix and buy a new gauge. Well today I got bored so I went out and pulled the gauge and took it apart. To get to the alarm you have to pull the needles and separate the board that the alarm is soldered to from the face that has the tach and speedo printed on it. I first resoldered the alarm back to the board thinking maybe the connection got broke somehow. Went out and plugged it in and nothing no beep right after startup no reverse beep no DESS disconnect beep. Back to the shop I go and unsolder the alarm from the board. I started searching the net for a new alarm found some close fit ones. Got to looking at the one I removed and it had 4 tabs on it. I took a precision screwdriver and pried each tab loose. This is not glued together only snap fit. I opened it up and there were 2 metal fingers that are supposed to make contact with what I would call the alarm noise plate but they did not look like they would make good contact to me. So I said what the heck it doesn't work anyways and I bent them out some and snapped it back together. Took it to the shop put it back into the holes in the board bent over the two wires that solder to the board and went out to the trailer and plugged it in and started the sled. Had the start beep put it into reverse and had the reverse beep, joggled the tether loose and got the disconnect beep. Went back and soldered the wires to the board put it all back together and now it works fine. Thought this might help anyone who did not want to spend the money for a gauge and missed the beeps.
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