I am currently on an Axys SKS 146. This lasT ride out was on rotten snow. Crust on top and sugar underneath. Found my sled track constantly dropping through.
Rode a Axys Pro 155 for an afternoon and it was a bit better.
Road a Matryx Khaos 155 the next day and it stayed on top all day long.
Has anyone moved from an Axys 146 to a Matryx khaos 146 and noticed a major difference?
I might just snowcheck a 155. But sure do enjoy my 146 for most of my riding.
Rode a Axys Pro 155 for an afternoon and it was a bit better.
Road a Matryx Khaos 155 the next day and it stayed on top all day long.
Has anyone moved from an Axys 146 to a Matryx khaos 146 and noticed a major difference?
I might just snowcheck a 155. But sure do enjoy my 146 for most of my riding.