Dug more into the sled last night, reeds looked good, piston skirts however showed some scoring (see attachment) which led to a compression test. Tested at 90 PTO and 115 Mag. My question is now that is that the entire issue? Obviously it needs at least a top end but I don't want to put one in and there be another root issue, IE oil pump cutting out occasionally, causing premature piston wear. The build has 700 miles on it total which makes it seem unlikely it did this just from normal wear and tear.
Did some electrical troubleshooting per the service manual and these were my results. Tested with a Fluke 188 that is calibrated. Book says take readings at 68 deg F but mine were probably more like 60 deg F. Most give a +-15% but some of my readings are well out of that range. Theres table in the attachments thats easier to read.
Coils Spec Reading Value
PTO 0.45 Ohms 0.60 Ohms
MAG 0.45 Ohms 0.61 Ohms
Yellow/Yellow 0.12 Ohms 0.23 Ohms (load shed relay,lights, handwarmers)
Blk/Blk 0.20 Ohms 0.35 Ohms (fuel pump, oil pump, EV actuator)
Org/Org 0.72 Ohms 0.88 Ohms (Fuel Injector, ECU, Coils)
Just Curious of those are far enough out to raise concern that should be addressed before I put a new top end in it. Even with top end being bad I wouldnt think it would randomly cut out like it does on a hard landing or full throttle pull or just randomly. Could be wrong tho.
Another concern would possibly be the pipe temp sensor, seemed to be reading low when riding, Like 800F when it should be 1000-1100 F. Would this make the engine lean itself out more than it should because it thinks the pipe is cooler than it actually is?
Thanks for any help or input!! I appreciate it.